DICE Project



2014 Music digest

Date :
Category : 個人企画

Now the next of the digest of 2014 Illustration works is that of musical works.

This year my music pieces can be roughly divided into two genre – chiptune-like and symphonic-rock. The former is my fav style, and the latter has been mainly learnt from the request – like fantasy, game battle bgm.

I could not make pv this year orz

♪ Micro

[ Micro Conqueror Ex | 3:01 | bpm: 78 | title serious arrange ]

have composed for the opening music of my original fantasy “Micro Conqueror”… the extended version of that of 2013’s. a little bit different sound, since the filter in Mixcraft cannot be imported into Studio One. This tune should be the title bgm when my fantasy becomes an actual shooting game (imagining)

♪ Castle

[ Castle (StudioOne ver.) | 1:26 | bpm: 170 | orchestral powerful fantasy ]

This was originally for the opening movie of my another original fantasy “Temper Tempest” (like medieval Europe)… and now it has been renewed in Studio One, with more heaviness. I like this Triplex rhythms of toms & timpani.

♪ Mission

[ Chord_16 ~ Mission | 1:30 | bpm: 150 | electronica techno ]

The remake version of “♪ Mission”, with some extensions, White noises, etc. It is now more like cyber space or something like that than “mission”…

This tune was used in my music x programming work:
[wposflv src=https://diceproj.com/video/video/dancin-sq.flv previewimage=https://diceproj.com/video/video/dancin-sq.jpg width=300 height=200 title=”dancin’ squares”]

♪ Dungeon-Depth_02

[ Dungeon-Depth_02 | 1:12 | bpm: 132 | minimal deep labyrinth ]

water,depth, something like those feelings. perhaps adventure in dark, waterly place…

♪ Techno

[ Techno Trial | 1:15 | bpm: 140 | techno minimal electronica ]

minimal techno with psg sounds. perhaps the same series with “♪ SmallTown”.

♪ Minasoko

[ Minasoko Rock | 1:30 | bpm: 148 | battle rock ]

“♪ 水底の鎖 (Minasoko no Kusari)” rock version – the first tune of my symphonic rock. for a battle bgm of games

That’s all of this years’ featured – and there are some “wip” tunes below:

2014 Illustrations digest

Date :
Category : 個人企画

Hello, long time no see…
Now is the time to compose the digest collage of my illustration works in this year.

■ January
Poured much of power into the New Year illustration (this year is horse). and started having some small creative jobs

■ February
New uni semester started, and I joined in a game production team – my position was a concept artist and drew some scenes and odd characters.

■ March
working working in the team – but I never forget about the day of Miku!!
(March 9th is the day of Hatsune Miku (unofficial, just set by fans))

■ April
Tried some mat-paint. I especially like aliens with human features.

■ May
■ June
Finalizing uni things – artworks, papers, presentations etc.

■ July
had the winter vacation. this month I especially drew fanart of some Japanese games

■ August
Starting graduate study and creation.
from this month I started to refine my own project – “Micro Conqueror”, my original scifi fantasy world & story.

■ September
Continued graduate study and the project. sometimes I tried to colour in anime style.

■ October
hardwork for graduate things.
this month I drew some scenery concept art for my project.

■ November
at last I finished graduate study (work & paper)!
it had been long time since I grasped tablet-pen in the last time.

■ December
rejoiced on graduation, worrying about the future pathway.

… and made some stamps of my illustrations with an app from Japanese Post.

……well…what will happen to me in the new year, what should I do, …………

2014 絵まとめ

Date :
Category : 個人企画


Music x Programming

Date :
Category : 個人企画


Good evening.
Today I will show you what I have been doing recently – music & visual programming. That’s really impressive to see my original tunes’ dancing along/on my programs!

[wposflv src=https://diceproj.com/video/video/dancin-sq.flv previewimage=https://diceproj.com/video/video/dancin-sq.jpg width=300 height=200 title=”dancin’ squares”]音に合わせて矩形が瞬く。 Using squares to describe beats.

[wposflv src=https://diceproj.com/video/video/dancin-wave.flv previewimage=https://diceproj.com/video/video/dancin-wave.jpg width=512 height=200 title=”dancin’ wave”]↑と似てる、今度は円形が伸縮する。
when I am gazing the motions of circles’waves they become to be like going backward, or big circle rotating..

[wposflv src=https://diceproj.com/video/video/anl-pan.flv previewimage=https://diceproj.com/video/video/anl-pan.jpg width=512 height=200 title=”pannin’ analyzer”]アナライザーにパン機能をつけてみた。マウスで実際に動かしてる様子もキャプチャ。
Analyzer with pan. Just I found it interesting to see the clear afterimage of snare part.
パンのオンオフはキーボード操作。 controlling pan On/Off with keyboard.

I will learn more towards release of more interesting apps.


Date :
Category : 個人企画/一般


さて、その課題の一環だったり、その影響で必要に迫られたりで、DICE Project のサイトが色々とグレードアップしたのでまとめ。


最近日本だけでなく、海外からも (主にSAIあたりの?) 素材を探してアクセスが来るようになったので、これはちょっとパワーアップさせてみようかなと。対応する形式やソフトも増えました。


ページや記事がリンク切れになったりね。記事のプレビューできなくなったりね。アッー 対策参考記事

次、DICE Project のメインブログ。上記のqTranslate騒動の影響はここまで及んだ!(超ダメージ


最後、お気づきの通り、この創作Note。何でか心当たり全く無いんですが、二次創作ページなどの固定ページがことごとくレイアウト崩れを起こしていたので、この際だからとテーマも一新し、DICE Project 仕様にカスタマイズ。あー疲れた。しかし元にしたテーマが非常に扱いやすいスタイルシートだったので良かったデス


とりあえずアプリとか色々探り中。いろいろあるんねんなあ(棒 あと電脳ちゃんかわいい(とても重要


アー電脳ちゃんかわいい majikawa(黙