DICE Project



iPhone着信音:♪ Hunt the Moon (Chord_18, Long/Ring)

Date :
Category : 一次創作
♪ Hunt

[ Hunt the Moon (Long/Ring) | 0:54 (1-Loop 0:40) | bpm: 192 | electronic ]

自作曲「♪ Hunt the Moon (Chord_18)」のロングバージョンの一番盛り上がりの部分を、iPhone用着信音にしてみたぞ。




♪ Hunt

[ Hunt the Moon (Long/Ring) | 2:40 | bpm: 178 | electronic ]


♪ Hunt

[ Hunt the Moon (Long/Ring) | 1-loop 5:24 | bpm: 178 | electronic | 試聴用 ]

シューティングなSE (+ボス戦冒頭) 入りバージョン

♪ Chord_18

[ Chord_18 long FakeShooting | 3:56 | bpm: 178 – | game shooting SE ]


Date :
Category : 一次創作
♪ e_14

[ e_14 (demo) | 3:06 | bpm: 150 | electronic ]


「e_14」て…ぶっちゃけ先日の「e_10 (この段階からはかなり進んでるよ!)」ベースに、「Chord_12 (Celestial Channels)」のテクノトランス方面なアレンジだけど

前半が、原曲のMIDIを大体そのまま e_10 の音源・トラックに当てはめ、ちょいちょい手を加えた段階のもの。最後の方2:04辺りからは、Chord_12 のシンフォニックロック的戦闘曲verのをこのスタイルに持ってきた感じ。

はてさて どうしてくれよう。


♪ Chord_12

[ Chord_12 (Celestial Channels) | 1:36 | bpm: 128 | ?? ]

Chord_12 another

♪ Chord_12

[ Chord_12 another (demo) | 1:25 | bpm: 168 | battle rock ]


Date :
Category : 一次創作

Q. そいつロボじゃね?
A. ロボにも心はある(哲学

昨日の早朝DTM「♪ e_10」が気に入ったので、作り込んでる最中なんですが。
お気に入りのシンセ音詰めたやつだから、こいつはすごいぞ (個人の所感)。





North Sound、G6 が半年前にサービス終了してたんですよ……。

ここでMakou氏の★ [black star]!聴ける!買える!買った。
03 Arkives [Remaster] by Makou

triptych by Makou

Makou氏の ★ [black star] はな…
ぼくがインスト曲という世界を知って (その当時はまずゲーム音楽) 聴き始めて、かつ携帯電話の着メロ作成機能で作曲始めた頃に聴いて衝撃だったからな……。そこからゲームはもちろんテクノやトランス電子音楽系にどっぷりですよ。




Date :
Category : 一次創作
♪ e_10

[ e_10 | 1:10 | bpm: 150 – 160 | electronic ]





2015 Music digest

Date :
Category : 個人企画

… and it is the time to make the digest of music works as well.
this year I have concentrated on drawing more so there are less completed tunes – need more skill / sense to brush up & complete.

⇒ last year 2014

♪ Hunt the Moon
when the moon comes, it is the time to go hunting.

♪ Hunt

[ Hunt the Moon | 2:40 | bpm: 178 | electronic ]

long & extended version for request:

♪ Hunt

[ Hunt the Moon (Long ver.) | 1-loop 5:24 | bpm: 178 | electronic ]

shooting game -like sound effects. the boss battle BGM is ♪ Battle_22:

♪ Chord_18

[ Hunt the Moon (Long ver.) with SE | 3:56 | bpm: 178 – | electronic game shooting SE ]

other tunes in long & extended version:

♪ Speed

[ Speed Up (Long ver.) | 1-loop 4:49 | bpm: 256 | retro ]

♪ Mission

[ Mission (Long ver.) | 1-loop 3:15 | bpm: 148 | electronic techno ]

♪ Tutorial

[ Tutorial (Long ver.) | 1-loop 2:16 | bpm: 132 | cute ]

♪ Fool_02

[ Fool_02 (Long ver.) | 1-Loop 4:16 | bpm: 110 – 118 | cute fool ]

♪ Battle_22
Symphonic Rock battle music in three-quarter time. it is one of faves and want to complete..

♪ Battle_22

[ Battle_22 demo | 0:57 | bpm: 152 – 160 | battle symphonic-rock ]

♪ Battle_22

[ Battle_22 demo 2 | 0:45 | bpm: 160 | battle symphonic-rock ]

♪ Field_01
the original version of this was created with old cell phone long time ago (I called it “Al Jazeera” since it sounds like Arabian music) – and now I remade it with heavier style with timpani & drums.

♪ Field_01

[ Field_01 | 1:12 | bpm: 86 | arabian? ]

♪ Battle_02
orthodox fantasy battle music.

♪ Battle_02

[ Field_01 | 1:15 | bpm: 160 | fantasy battle symphonic-rock ]

♪ Chord_22
something crazy…

♪ Chord_22

[ Chord_22 | 1:10 | bpm: 150 | odd electronica ]

♪ Field_03
with acoustic guitar. I like the guitar & bass around the end.

♪ Field_03

[ Field_03 | 2:00 | bpm: 142 | field guitar bass ]

♪ sakura night 2015

the biggest tune this year…

♪ sakura

[ sakura night 2015 | 12:50 | bpm: 140 | instrumental japanese ]

instrumental version of instrumental tune (without main melody parts):

♪ sakura

[ sakura night 2015 nomain | 12:50 | bpm: 140 | instrumental japanese ]

♪ Dungeon-Depth series
this year I noticed the music feels like cave is one of my favorite. respect for Deep Labyrinth (composer: Yasunori Mitsuda)…

♪ Dungeon-Depth_01

[ Dungeon-Depth_01 | 1:30 | bpm: 100 | deep labyrinth respect ]

♪ Dungeon-Depth_04

[ Dungeon-Depth_04 | 1:30 | bpm: 100 | deep labyrinth respect ]

♪ Dungeon-Depth_05

[ Dungeon-Depth_05 | 2:24 | bpm: 100 | deep labyrinth respect ]

♪ e_01
after a long time… so without thinking, just with my favorite synth style:

♪ e_01

[ e_01 demo | 0:52 | bpm: 172 | electronic ]

… and now creating extended version of it, also with shooting game -like sound effects. this one is boss battle, go back to title, then quit the game.
I like the guitar & bass around the finale – want to complete as well

♪ e_01

[ e_01 (not complete) with SE | 4:47 | bpm: 172 | electronic game shooting SE ]

♪ t_01
again after a long time – this time I wanted to compose something melodious one like music from touhou project.

♪ t_01

[ t_01 | 2:00 | bpm: 156 | touhou-like ]

well, maybe that’s all for this year – I want to continue composing next year as well.