オーストラリア写真集 II / Photos from Australia II

Photos From Australia – Melbourne Digest
Good evening! I’d been back from small trip to Melbourne and uploaded one piece of my memories on my photo blog. Here is the digest.
I’d walked around the central for 2 days, and I’d been to the coastline with a friend of mine.
2012 digest

2012 digest
さて 世間は至って年賀状モードですが、そんなのはお構いなしにまったりしているナマモノ。
来年もまた描き続けたいと思います… 今度は「好きに描く」に加え「伝える」を目標にしたい
Hello! It is incredibly hot here, how are your locations?
And just I had finished the term and now I’m in the summer holiday. I have not to lose my language skill in the vacation..
now most of people may be busy to prepare for Christmas & new year card, but actually it is not my case. well what should I do, well I’ll make “2012 digest of my illustration works”. As you know I have no uniformity in my works, so I cannot join in the pixiv event “2012 evolution”. …fmm, I did such works.. well what will I draw in the next year!
I’d love to have an aim in the next.. draw as i like + “communicate”.
オーストラリア写真集 I / Photos from Australia I

Hello, how are you? Today I made the digest ver. of my photo album from Australia. I’ll periodically make this, maybe once a month. I’m glad if you have a bit of interest and have a look of the whole album 🙂
ペンタブ復活 / My pen-tablet’s return

Hi, here is so happy thing for me: at last my pen-tablet returned from the repair in Japan! Thanks to Wacom’s great support I can again draw cg illustrations. yeah, I hope you periodically continue to stop by my blog / main website / twitpic / .. to check my new works. thanks 🙂
[SAI, FireAlpaca] ブラシメモ / Fav Brushes
![[SAI, FireAlpaca] ブラシメモ / Fav Brushes](/img/ogp/main.jpg)
Good evening.
Today I’ll introduce my recent favorite brushes on SAI and FireAlpaca:
こちらの記事でご紹介したdenimテクスチャを再利用。以前Twitter上で流行った (?) シャープペンシル風というのを、より自分好みにアレンジしたやつです。
テクスチャ:denim (強さ:50~60)
筆圧 硬⇔軟:0
筆圧:☑濃度・☑サイズ (両方チェック)
– FireAlpaca
☑筆圧サイズ・☑筆圧不透明度 (両方チェック)
他テクスチャ素材のダウンロードはこちらのページからどうぞ。特別な事は無いですが、Terms of Use (利用規約) にも目を通していただけると幸いです。Enjoy Drawing!
This time we also use the denim texture introduced in this another article. Before in Japanese twitter, the topic of “the mechanical pencil like brush” was hot, and since then I improved it as I like.
brush type: pencil
drawing-mode: multiply
minimum size: 0%, density: 40 – 50%
brush shape: (simple circle)
brush texture: denim (strength: 50 – 60)
quality: 2, edge hardness: 80
min density: 30
max dens prs: 60%
hard⇔soft: 0
press: ☑dens, ☑size (check both)
– FireAlpaca
In this software the brushes have fewer parameters than SAI, but they are also interesting brushes.
Type: air-brush, size: 5
density: 25 – 50%, minimum size: 0
☑pressure size, ☑pressure density (check both)
I found that when I set the size of air-brush as 5 (or less than 5), it is alike the SAI brush with texture (But more than 5 it become far from texture brush). I feel that in FireAlpaca I cannot describe well with density, so the works will be more “pen sketch” like.
Well.. maybe some knows, but now my pen-tablet pen needs fix since a spare lead cannot be removed.. I sent an email to wacom customer service and now waiting the answer. I hope I can start to use it again asap. Until the pen is fixed I draw with pencil..
If you are interested in my other original textures, visit Here! No special rule, but once please read through Terms of Use. Enjoy Drawing!