DICE Project


[Brush Freebie / フリー素材] AUBrush Rock Real Texturing

★ DOWNLOAD: AUBrush Rock Real Texturing

The texturing brush made from the photos of actual rock surface. Generates random and real rock surface just in one stroke. there are 2 types of brushes – the grayscale ver. and binarized ver (higher contrast). (but both of the brush shapes are grayscale images so you can draw in any colours you want)

In the download page, I put a little bit more of explanation.

I hope you enjoy them & they are useful for you.


Date :
Category : 一次創作

先日公開した AUBrush Tree Silhouette Set 2 が、ホントにシカのツノのようにしっかりぶっといので、遊びたくなるよねっていう。


[素材] AUbrush Cloud 2 (for FireAlpaca etc.)

★ DOWNLOAD: AUbrush Cloud 2

実はこれ、別の素材の写真編集中 (木のシルエットを抽出するのに、空を透明で塗りつぶしていた時) に偶然見つけた形で。「森を下から見上げた時に、木々に囲われた空」を描く時の枠取りでも出来るかなーとか思って (ピンポイント過ぎるw)、何となくとっておいたんですが。

ClipStudioではイマイチまだ納得いく設定が見つかってないのですが、FireAlpacaで使ってみたら恐ろしく万能な使える子!!ガシガシ描けます (個人の感想です)。作例1枚目はブラシを作ったばかりの段階で、粒子の大きい散布L・小さい散布Sふたつ (正確には”散布水彩”。そして稜線を整えるのにプリセットの”もこもこブラシ”を使用) で「おお、結構いけるかも」って感じだったんですが。2枚目。新たに同じブラシ先端画像を使ったビットマップブラシも加えたら、なんとまあコレだけで描けちゃうぜっていう。



★ DOWNLOAD: AUbrush Cloud 2

[Brush Freebie / フリー素材] AUBrush Tree Silhouette Set 2

★ DOWNLOAD: AUBrush Tree Silhouette Set 2

Today I released the silhouette of the branches of naked tropical trees which may have lots of leaves soon.. (I do not know whether the tree is naturally as this look or not – that’s funny feature, it has very few leaves only in the tips of its thick branches)

the picture size is big – may suitable for both near / distant view. 2 types in a zip – facing left & right.

I hope you enjoy them & they are useful for you.

★ DOWNLOAD: AUBrush Tree Silhouette Set 2

[Brush Freebie / フリー素材] AUBrush Tree Silhouette Set 1

★ DOWNLOAD: AUBrush Tree Silhouette Set 1

Today I released a set of some silhouette of trees can be seen in daily scene here in East Australia. It (especially the foliage parts of them) may be suitable even non-tropical scenes. The picture size is big – may also suitable for both near / distant view.

In download page I also put some reference photos showing how are the look of far trees around here (East Australia).

I hope you enjoy them & they are useful for you.

★ DOWNLOAD: AUBrush Tree Silhouette Set 1