![[Clip Studio / Manga Studio] オーストラリアな自作ブラシ / Original Australian Brushes](/img/ogp/main.jpg)
地の利を活かそう!という事で、今までオーストラリアで撮りためた写真からいくつか。なかなか素敵な感じに描けて満足。しかも Clip Studio だと SAI 以上にパラメータがあるので、さらに楽しめます。が、どれがいいのか迷います。まあ、問題はこれらをうまく使いこなせるようにならないとなーという事なんですが。
Good evening.
Now I am on the way to be free from really repressed situation and can do anything… then started creating materials again.
Fortunately I am living in the heaven of nature and animals – Australia. I can take advantage of this situation. I used photos of nature and animals I have taken here, and could create such wonderful abstract brushes! moreover, different from SAI, Manga Studio (‘Clip Studio’ in Japan) has more parameters for brush settings – I can play with them further – but sometimes they are confusing. That is ok, but the biggest problem is that I cannot make use of these brushes yet. I need practice 🙂
AHoFreebies にて、現在この3種類を.SUT、.PNG、.PSD 形式でダウンロードできます。
Currently these 3 brush shapes are available at AHoFreebies.
プロの方の Photoshop のブラシ一覧を拝見する機会があったのですが、やはり独自ライブラリといいますか、そういうのを持っておくのは大事なんですね。また色々作ってみようと思います。
Recently I had a great chance to have a look at huge Photoshop brush library of a professional Concept Artist. In the library I could see many kinds of texture / shape / abstract brushes – I understand the importance of making and having such own libraries (all-round ones as possible, maybe) for professional works. Yay I will continue creating – and practicing.
活躍してくれた動物たち (Used Animals)
* if you are curious about Australian photos… check here! : diceproj@au
Woo I have to be well asap to seek more fantastic Australia!!