DICE Project



sakura night 2015 – wip

Date :
Category : 一次創作

sakura night 2015 tmp img

♪ sakura

[ sakura night 2015 demo | 2:00 | bpm: 140 | trance electronica arrange StudioOne ] (2015)

Good morning from Australia. Midnight to early morning is really comfortable to work because these days it is toooo hot to work properly here.

As the title, I am now working on remaking my fav original tune “sakura night” as “sakura night 2015” – perhaps a kind of trance, something electronica (I have no idea what kind of genre my music belongs to)

in 2009 I released the first, initial version of it. then in 2012 I remaked as a classic trance (maybe like that). now in 2015 – perhaps I should renew it again. I am happy if you feel the improvement of my composition skills so far.

I sometimes have a feeling of a kind of regret – I think in some point past me (and my works) was/were better than that of current. Same thing in this time. Anyway I will do my best as the current myself.

I like the futuristic but nostalgic sound of synth (0:40 – 1:08). it reminds me of the image of future and of some music from old games at the same time.

well here is the past 2 tunes :

♪ sakura

[ sakura night 2012 | 5:16 | bpm: 140 | trance electronica arrange VSTi ] (2012)

♪ sakura

[ sakura night | 3:46 | bpm: 120 | japanese MIDI ] (2009)

…… have you found “sakura night 2013” in 2013 digest?
( ◠‿◠ )☛ { you touched on the taboo thing……

that one is just for the ending part of the cross-fade mix!

sakura night 2015 制作開始

Date :
Category : 個人企画

sakura night 2015 tmp img

♪ sakura

[ sakura night 2015 demo | 2:00 | bpm: 140 | trance electronica arrange StudioOne ] (2015)

おばんです。タイトル通りです。今年も始めました sakura night。
初版が2008~09制作で (たぶん大々的?に発表が2009)、2012年にftnでやっつけトランスアレンジ。また丁度3年後の今年も、コレは是非やろう!って事で。制作環境も作風も変化してきたので、3年ごとに変遷が分かるというか。技術も上がってればいいんだけど…爆 6年前にコレ打ち込んだ奴誰だよ天才かよとか絶望涙目状態になりながらアレンジ制作中です。

この、未来・宇宙的な、でもなんだか懐かしい感じのシンセ音 (0:40 – 1:08) が気に入ってます。音できて、適当に打ち込んでみた時は感激で泣きそうになった。何だこの超イイ音は!と

♪ sakura

[ sakura night 2012 | 5:16 | bpm: 140 | trance electronica arrange VSTi ] (2012)

♪ sakura

[ sakura night | 3:46 | bpm: 120 | japanese MIDI ] (2009)

……2013年まとめ動画の最後に「sakura night 2013」ってあったって?
( ◠‿◠ )☛(ry



Date :
Category : 一次創作

やー。今年1年で (順調にいけば) 院終わりなんで…

例の新年絵を実物大スライス。毎年恒例 (?) 無駄にデカく描いたので、しかし縮小して見事に見えなくなってしまったので、まあ貼っとけ的な。


ちなみにこれ、初の「全過程 Clip Studio Paint 製」です。



フルサトノ山ハ アリガタキカナ。

一応つららとか、椿の描き込みとか、したんですけど。グシャ― まあほら、いずれ潰れるって分かってても、描きたいもんは描きたいというね。

ちなみにこの女王様、去年までは炎属性っぽかったのが、今年氷 (水) っぽくなってます。見えなくなってますが、武器も刀・剣から槍に。属性厨 (?) なところがあるほたかですので、今後何かあるのかも。無いかも。

2014 by Akira Hotaka on pixiv

2013絵まとめ・途中 / digest – completed soon

Date :
Category : 個人企画

どうしようもないアフォでも何とかなると証明してみせるのSa ァガガ。


そんな中でも、今年は圧倒的に創作「Micro Conqueror」絵が多いです。此処に載ってない、サイト




Good evening.
Now I have been struggling with semester-end assignments… but of course I will get over them and have a great summer vacation!

Today I choosed my best illustration works of each month and have started to make “2013 digest” as that of last year (like “the record of evolution (進化録)” in Pixiv in the end of every year). For my case there is no “evolution” nor “regression” – just I have been drawing as I like, as I want to express, and will continue to have this policy.

Well, now it is still on the way towards the end of year, so I will talk about the details and memories of each work later. Before that I will accomplish my academic tasks and just keep to make effort to draw & express more closely to my ideal images in my head.