オーストラリア写真集 II / Photos from Australia II
Photos From Australia – Melbourne Digest
Good evening! I’d been back from small trip to Melbourne and uploaded one piece of my memories on my photo blog. Here is the digest.
I’d walked around the central for 2 days, and I’d been to the coastline with a friend of mine.
以下、小ネタ (?)。
なんだこれは(社長ボイス ※個人的趣味
メルボルンを走るバスの広告が初見でしたが、これは吹かざるを得なかった(汗 一緒に居た友人に「何笑ってんの」と訊かれましたが、これはどう説明すればよかったのか…スイスでも見かけましたが、此処でも有りました!公共の場所に大きなチェス盤。
In the central there are filled with modern high buildings, but still there are some old and beautiful architecture. I had no enough time to see all of them but I was really satisfied. I really love the architecture of churches!
When we say about “southern sea” we may often imagine that with palm trees and tropical plants. However here is different; a little yellow and low trees and orange sand. It is also different from that of Japan. I strongly felt I’d been in the completely another world.
well, here are some small topics on the trip;
from the inside of the plane towards Melbourne. suddenly I found the twilight sky. I guess it is because of the length of the daytime; Melbourne has longer daytime than Brisbane because the city is closer to the south pole.
mm, it might be curious thing for the gamers! if i kick and break this, there may be .. treasure box, hidden path, or…
What’s that! (just i am interested in birds
it is so funny, they use strange Japanese phrase as their logo! i couldn’t explain well how funny it is
They have big chess board in the city! I saw such things also in Switzerland
DAISO form Japan! in Japan it is called “100 shop” but here it is “AU$2.80 shop”. i just had a thing to buy but they didn’t have.. it might be the japanese habit to use plastic plate to write
carriage! with cute horses. good for them! i prefer to watch than ride on 🙂
anyway, really good trip. thanks a lot for the great friend of mine!