DICE Project


this Website / the Author

This Website

ここは diceproj (A Hotaka) による作品 (イラスト・音楽・Webページ・写真・素材) のポートフォリオサイトです。
This is the portfolio website of diceproj (A Hotaka)'s works - illustrations, music, webpages, photos and digital painting materials.
No use, repost and AI training without permission.

PC・タブレット・スマートフォンいずれの端末でも閲覧できますが、PC (モダンブラウザ) での閲覧を推奨いたします。 The website is constructed based on responsive design and you can browse with any devices (PC, tablets and smart phones), but the best choice will be to browse via PC with modern browsers.


Pseudonym diceproj / A Hotaka
Location Iwate, Japan
Skills: illustration, music composition, web / graphic / character design
Personal History:
  • born and raised in Iwate Japan
  • studied Information Science in Japan for 4 years
  • studied Media Art in Switzerland for 1 year
  • worked as an intern web designer
  • studied Art and Design in QLD, Australia
  • worked as an indie designer / creator / artist from QLD, Australia
  • working as a web designer and an artist in Hokkaido Japan
  • back to Iwate and still working as an indie designer / creator / artist